NY Manhattan Bryant Park ice rink, winter villiage

by Eugene posted Apr 27, 2015


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 Bryant Park 은 NYC Manhattan 42가 -40가 5-6Ave 에 걸쳐있는 도심공원으로서 New Yorker 들의 휴식공간이다. 겨울에는 Ice Rink 로 둔갑하는데, 즉 잔디밭위를 방수 Board로 덮어 방수처리 냉동설비 장치로 얼음을 얼려 rink 로 변화시킨다.  현 Sponsor 인  Bank of America 와 함께 Winter Village로 명하여 매겨울마다 개장하여 즐거운 겨울문화를 만끽할 수 있게 되있다.  Rink 의 음향시설은 8 Amplifier Stereo Speaker로 되있어 환상적인 분위기로 돋구어 준다.  음악은 1940-50 년도 Swing Jazz 로 New Yorker들이 좋아하는 곡들을 감상할 수 있다.  그곳의 fifth Ave 동쪽에는 뉴욕공공도서관 본관이 웅장하게 자리하고 있다.  입장해보면 고풍스럽운 Table 과 Chair에 은은한 조명과 함께 지적인 분위기에 압도되어 겸손함과 함께 엄숙함을 느끼게 만든다.

Bryant Park is a 9.603-acre (38,860 m2) privately managed public park located in the New York City borough of Manhattan. It is located between Fifth and Sixth Avenues and between 40th and 42nd Streets in Midtown Manhattan.[1] Although technically the main building of the New York Public Library is located within the park, effectively it forms the park's functional eastern boundary, making Sixth Avenue the park's primary entrance. Although part of the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, Bryant Park is managed by the private not-for-profit corporation Bryant Park Corporation. The park is cited as a model for the success of public-private partnerships.

Bryant Park is built entirely over an underground structure which houses the New York Public Library's archives. In the 1980s, the park was closed to the public and excavated. The new library facilities were built below ground level and the park was restored above it.


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