PGH 미주연합 활동 기사- 한국일보

2011.03.20 16:24

관리자 조회 수:2669

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TITLE: Formation of Association to Support Geun Hye Park

Patriotic Grand Heritage America Foundation” Establishes 20 Chapters



The “Patriotic Grand Heritage (PGH) America Foundation Inc.” has been formed and is officially active in supporting Geun Hye Park, former Chairman of Grand National Party..  

According to sources from the aforementioned association, the organization includes 20 chapters -14 chapters in the United States including locations in New York, New Jersey, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, Orlando, Atlanta, and Anchorage, in Toronto and Vancouver in Canada, and in Columbia, Mexico, Panama, and Costa Rica.

Last Dec 20th, the association held its year-end meeting at Keumgangsan restaurant in Queens where Mr. Chung Kong Rhee, former president of College Alumni Association of Greater New York, has been serving as the president of Patriotic Grand Heritage (PGH) America Foundation Inc., and Mr. Young Kil Kim, former senior vice president of The National Unification Advisory Council in New York area, as president of the New Jersey branch office. The association will be in close ties with Geun Hye Park, play an important role in connecting with the Korean-American society, and support former representative Park in the upcoming presidential election. 

For this purpose, the association has opened its new website ( and is gradually lengthening its stride.

President Chung Kong Rhee said “This association is a nationwide association, expanding from the pre-existing groups in New York, Boston and Chicago who support Geun Hye Park, and will do its best to support and patriotically advise Geun Hye Park for her victory in the upcoming presidential election.

<Reporter Noyeol Kim >

Translated by Howard Jang


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